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ExploreTNHealth was launched in 2019 in partnership with the Missouri Hospital Association. ExploreTNHealth provides zip-code level rankings across major health behaviors and health outcomes in the state.

Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center Data Hub

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In 2018, the Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center and Mercer University partnered with CARES to provide the state of Georgia and its public health entities with a custom community health needs assessment (CHNA), Map Room, and a Health Asset Finder. These tools were all launched as widgets, or embeddable tools, and can be found on at https://georgiaruralhealth.org

Lehigh Valley Community Hub

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The Lehigh Valley Community Hub has been a CARES partner for 10+ years. The Lehigh Valley Hub supports leaders working toward community change with a focus on cross-sector data-driven collaboration. The intent of the Hub is to encourage the sharing of data and the use of data to effect change throughout the lifespan of an initiative.

American Heart Association Impact Central

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The data, resources, and tools in American Heart Association Hub, Impact Central, are designed to assist communities in assessing, prioritizing, and selecting areas of focus to improve community health. CARES has supported Impact Central since 2013.

American Heart Association

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The data, resources, and tools in American Heart Association Hub, Impact Central, are designed to assist communities in assessing, prioritizing, and selecting areas of focus to improve community health.

Creating a Culture of Health in Appalachia

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The Health in Appalachia Hub, sponsored by the Appalachian Regional Commission and launched in 2018, is designed to help identify economic and health issues in the Appalachian area. The Hub features compelling “Bright Spot” case studies and maps on health outcomes and health factors (9 domains and 41 indicators).