Cancer Screening – Mammogram (Adult), 2022 ***PREM*** Released on even years

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New maps and data are now available for the Cancer Screening – Mammogram (Adult) (mammography use among women aged 50-74 years within the last two years) indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2024. Data have been updated for the 2022 reporting period, replacing data for 2020 (this indicator follows an even year release schedule).

New maps and data now available for 7 indicators from the National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention (NCHHSTP)

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New maps and data now available for indicators from the 2022 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention (NCHHSTP) (replacing data for 2021). Affected indicators:

Health Outcomes

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • HIV Incidence
  • HIV Prevalence
  • Primary and Secondary Syphilis Incidence
  • Early Non-Primary, Secondary Syphilis Incidence

SNAP Benefits – Population Receiving SNAP (SAIPE)

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New maps and data are now available for the Population Receiving SNAP Benefits (SAIPE) indicator from the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) dataset – SAIPE Model Input Data. Data have been updated for the 2022 reporting period, replacing data for 2021.

New American Community Survey data indicators!

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As part of this release, we are adding new indicators in the assessment tool for Premium subscribers. Some of the new indicators include:

  • Demographics:
    Non-White Population; Native American/Alaska Native Population
  • Education: School Enrollment (Age 5 – 17); Post-Secondary Enrollment
  • Income and Economics: Work Hours; Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate; Employment by Disability Status; Employment by Educational Attainment
  • Physical Environment: Households with Cellular Internet Only

**Important Note for Connecticut Data Users**

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Due to changes in administrative boundaries in the state of Connecticut, SparkMap has updated the county-level location selection to use the latest Connecticut planning regions. Data for indicators sourced from the 2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-year estimates are direct estimates fas provided by the Census Bureau. Data for indicators with census-tracts, ZIP codes, and counties are population-weighted estimates based on the intersection of the underlying geographic area with the new planning region boundaries and should be interpreted with caution. For access to data and indicators using the old Connecticut county definitions, please use the ACS 2017-2021 assessment.