This layer displays data about retail tobacco product compliance checks. Data are aggregated over a 5-year reporting period.
Tobacco Product Compliance Checks, Percentage with Violations Involving a Minor by County, 2015-2019
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare inpatient readmissions within 30 days of an acute hospital stay during then reference period.
Influenza and Pneumonia Mortality for 2014-18 by County
This layer displays influenza and pneumonia mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2014-18 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.
Emergency Department Visits, Rate by County, 2018
This layer displays the total number and rate of Medicare inpatient or hospital outpatient emergency department visits per 1,000 beneficiaries.
Ambulance Events, Rate by County, 2018
This layer displays the total number and rate of ambulance events among Medicare beneficiaries.
Blood Pressure Medication Nonadherence, Percentage by County, 2018
This layer displays the rate of blood pressure medication non-adherence among Medicare beneficiaries by county.
30-Day Hospital Readmission by County, 2017
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare inpatient readmissions within 30 days of an acute hospital stay during then reference period.
Medicare Beneficiaries with 2 or More Chronic Conditions by County, 2017
This layer displays the percentage and number of Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries with two or more of the 21 standard chronic conditions.
Missouri Commuters
This layer displays commuting connections between US Census Tracts. Each line represents a minimum of 20 commuters between any two tracts. Direction is not displayed, with the exception of commuters who live outside of the state of Missouri and commute into the state. Data was aggregated from the census block level using the LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES) dataset (2017). Some tracts have two connections (with each tract acting as an origin and destination for at least 20 commuters), and the lines are overlayed, others have only one connection and there is a single line connecting them, however this detail is not possible to discern with this dataset. Limitations of this dataset include the lack of directionality, and the overall abundance of commuters between any two tracts. Thus, this dataset should be used for visual analysis only.
Missouri Community College Service Areas
This layer displays the service areas for the various community colleges in the state of Missouri. Unlike in some states, Missouri’s community colleges are not a “system” with a centralized administration under one governing body. Instead, they are 12 separate and independent local colleges, with a history of working together to meet both state and local needs. As local entities, each college’s academic and workforce training programs mirror the local economy by design. Their service regions cover the entire state, allowing them to serve every Missourian and every Missouri business.