Missouri Community College Service Areas

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This layer displays the service areas for the various community colleges in the state of Missouri. Unlike in some states, Missouri’s community colleges are not a “system” with a centralized administration under one governing body. Instead, they are 12 separate and independent local colleges, with a history of working together to meet both state and local needs. As local entities, each college’s academic and workforce training programs mirror the local economy by design. Their service regions cover the entire state, allowing them to serve every Missourian and every Missouri business.

Missouri Apprenticeships

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This layer displays the location of various apprenticeship programs throughout the state of Missouri. Registered Apprenticeship is a highly flexible “earn while you learn” training model for employment that pays more as a worker (apprentice) reaches higher productivity levels. In addition to rewarding performance, Registered Apprenticeship combines employer-driven job-related instruction with extensive on-the-job learning under the supervision of a trade professional. After completing a Registered Apprenticeship, the apprentice receives a nationally-recognized occupational credential that communicates the standards and high level of training that their employer provides.

Missouri Labor Supply and Demand

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These layers display the gap in the percent of advertised jobs posted for an industry and the percent of jobseekers applying for positions in that industry. This analysis takes job seeker information from people who registered
with jobs.mo.gov in 2016, and compares it to employer job ads during the same time period. The analysis was done by the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC), CARES digitized the regions used in the report and used the data tables to create the map layers. The original MERIC report can be found at https://meric.mo.gov/media/pdf/missouri-labor-supply-and-demand-analysis

Missouri Area Career Centers

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This layer displays the location of Area Career Centers (ACCs) in Missouri. Area Career Centers provide Career and Technical Training for students from participating high schools and community colleges. Courses often include Culinary and Hospitality Management, Building Trades, Electrical Technologies, Early Education, and others, but vary from center to center. Contact your local ACC for more information on what courses are offered.

Missouri Job Centers

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American Job Centers are designed to provide a full range of assistance to job seekers under one roof. Established under the Workforce Investment Act, and reauthorized in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act of 2014, the centers offer training referrals, career counseling, job listings, and similar employment-related services. Customers can visit a center in person or connect to the center’s information online or through kiosk remote access.

Student Loan Debt in Collections, 2018

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This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels from the Urban Institute’s 2019 Debt in America interactive platform. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections based on December 2018 credit bureau records.

Credit Card Deliquency Rate

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This layer displays debt information at the state and county levels provided by The Urban Institute. Data includes medical debt, student loan debt, automobile debt, retail debt and any debt in collections. Demographic information is from the 2016 Census.

Juvenile Court Referrals

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Data are collected from the Missouri Department of Social Services Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline Unit (CANHU). CANHU accepts confidential reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Missouri’s toll-free number for reporting child abuse/neglect is 1-800-392- 3738. Mandated reporters can also report online at http://dss.mo.gov/cd/can.htm. The CANHU is operated year-round on a 24 hours per day, seven days per week basis. During FY 2019, it was staffed by 50 full-time and 11 part-time trained and experienced Children’s Service Workers. A call to the hotline is referred to as a “report” or “reported incident” of child abuse/neglect. A report may involve from one to several children. Over the course of the fiscal year, the hotline had received over 64,000 reported incidents that involved over 89,000 children in Missouri. When a call is received at the CANHU, information is analyzed to determine whether: • the child is under age 18; • the alleged perpetrator has care, custody and control of the child; • the report meets the legal definition of abuse and/or neglect as stipulated in 210.110, RSMo For more information visit the </a Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Report

Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse or Neglect

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Data are collected from the Missouri Department of Social Services Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline Unit (CANHU). CANHU accepts confidential reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Missouri’s toll-free number for reporting child abuse/neglect is 1-800-392- 3738. Mandated reporters can also report online at http://dss.mo.gov/cd/can.htm. The CANHU is operated year-round on a 24 hours per day, seven days per week basis. During FY 2019, it was staffed by 50 full-time and 11 part-time trained and experienced Children’s Service Workers. A call to the hotline is referred to as a “report” or “reported incident” of child abuse/neglect. A report may involve from one to several children. Over the course of the fiscal year, the hotline had received over 64,000 reported incidents that involved over 89,000 children in Missouri. When a call is received at the CANHU, information is analyzed to determine whether: • the child is under age 18; • the alleged perpetrator has care, custody and control of the child; • the report meets the legal definition of abuse and/or neglect as stipulated in 210.110, RSMo For more information visit the </a Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Report