Childcare Prices by County, 2021

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This layer displays information about childcare costs in counties across the United States, including the median price and the price as a percentage of household income. Data are from the National Database of Childcare Prices (NDCP). Search for additional data in this series to view data by child age and setting.

Chilcare Cost Burden

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This layer displays childcare costs for a household with two children as a percent of median household income.

Location Affordability Index for Family at AMI

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This layer displays the estimated percentage of household income for housing and transportation for a family earning the Area Median Income (AMI). The expected values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau and the US Department of Transportation, including:

  • The average household size for a family earning AMI in the nieghborhood
  • The average number of workers, vehicles, and vehicle miles travelled for a family in the nieghborhood
  • The average utility and rental costs or average utility and mortgage costs for a housing unit to accommodate the family size above
  • The proportion of housing units that are either rentals or owner-occupied in the nieghborhood

Note: The LAI does not predict what families are actually paying to live in a particular area, but rather what a family would pay (either in USD or as a percentage of income) if average or reasonable housing and commuting conditions for a particular neighborhood were achieved.

Location Affordability Index for Family Below AMI

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This layer displays the estimated monthly cost for housing and transportation for a low-income, single-parent family (earning 50% of the Area Median Income). The values for housing and transportation are modelled by HUD using data from the US Census Bureau and the US Department of Transportation, including:

  • The average household size for a single-parent family earning 50% AMI in the nieghborhood
  • The average number of workers, vehicles, and vehicle miles travelled for a family in the nieghborhood
  • The average utility and rental costs or average utility and mortgage costs for a housing unit to accommodate the family size above
  • The proportion of housing units that are either rentals or owner-occupied in the nieghborhood

Note: The LAI does not predict what families earning 50% AMI are actually paying to live in a particular area, but rather what a family would pay (either in USD or as a percentage of income) if average or reasonable housing and commuting conditions for a particular neighborhood were achieved.