This layer displays childcare costs for a household with two children as a percent of median household income.
Hourly Wage Needed to Afford Housing, 2021
This map layer displays hourly wage needed to afford fair market rent (FMR) housing with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) Out of Reach (OOR) 2021 dataset. 2016 to 2020 values are also mapped for users to compare against each other in a yearly trend.
Proportion of AMI Needed to Afford Housing, 2021
This map layer displays the percentage of income as of the annual Area Median Income (AMI) to afford a rental house unit with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) Out of Reach (OOR) 2021 dataset.
Work Hours at Avg. Wage Needed to Afford Housing, 2021
This map layer displays weekly work hours at average wage needed to afford a house unit with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) Out of Reach (OOR) 2021 dataset.
Work Hours at Minimum Wage Needed to Afford Housing, 2021
This map layer displays weekly work hours at minimum wage needed to afford a house unit with 1, 2, or 4 bedrooms. The data is obtained from the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) Out of Reach (OOR) 2021 dataset.