Click the map link to view the latest estimates for the percentage of the population living at or below 50% of the federal poverty level. Data are from the 2016-20 American Community Survey (ACS). Maps are available for counties, ZIP Codes, census tracts, and other geographic areas. Search the Map Room for the terms 2020 ACS to view additional map layers from the American Community Survey.
Community Resilience Estimates – Predominant Risk Factor
This layer displays the predominant risk factor, i.e., the total number and percentage of residents with 3+, 1-2, or 0 risk factors in each census tract, county, and state, as of year 2019. Data is obtained from the Census Bureau’s Small Area Estimates Program.
Predominant Race/Ethnicity
This layer displays the predominant race/ethnicity for various geographic levels.
Highly represented non-white Race/Ethnicity Groups
This layer displays where non-white race and ethnicity groups are highly represented in the U.S.
Population Living in Group Quarters
This layer displays percent change in resident population for the 50 states, the Discrict of Columbia and Puerto Rico from 2010 to 2020. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis the website here.
Census 2020 Population Change
The new county level population data is out from the U.S. Census! This layer shows the total population change and the percent change from the 2010 census numbers for the state of Missouri.
Change in Resident Population
This layer displays percent change in resident population for the 50 states, the Discrict of Columbia and Puerto Rico from 2010 to 2020. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis the website here.
Population in Poverty, Disparity Index Score
Layer displays information about racial disparity of poverty using data from the 2010-2014 American Community Survey (ACS). The Index of Disparity (ID) is used to show the magnitude of variation in indicator percentages across population groups. In this case, the index measures the difference in the percentage of populations of different racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty level.
Educational Attainment, Disparity Index Score
Layer displays information about racial disparity of educational attainment using data from the 2009-2013 American Community Survey (ACS). The Index of Disparity (ID) is used to show the magnitude of variation in indicator percentages across population groups. In this case, the index measures the difference in the percentage of the population with less than a high school diploma across four racial and ethnic groups.
New 2011-15 American Community Survey Data Layers
Layer displays poverty rates from the 2011-15 American Community Survey. Check out other 2011-15 ACS updates by searching the Map Room for the terms 2015 ACS.