Washington State Community Action Partnership

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The Washington State Community Action Partnership Data Hub is designed to assist local Community Action Agency staff in the development of Community Needs Assessments (CNAs). The WSCAP Data Hub provides access to core secondary indicators for assessing and addressing poverty. The Hub also provides Washington CAA’s with access to county-level COVID-19 data.

Virginia Commuity Health Needs Assessment Hub

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The Virginia Department of Public Health and the Virginia Hospital Association have partnered with CARES to build a Community Health Needs Assessment tool to support and align public health departments, hospitals, community health centers, and others across the state in meeting targeted health goals.

Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation Portal

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The Vocational Rehabilitation Hub facilitates the recordkeeping of Pre-Employment Transition services provided by trained educational specialists throughout the state of Missouri. Services fall into one of the following categories: Job Exploration, Work-based Learning, Post-secondary Counseling, Workplace Readiness and Self Advocacy. Using the Hub, Specialists record service(s) provided to individual students on a daily basis. Services are aggregated and sent to the state Vocational Rehabilitation office every month to support their federal reporting mandate.

Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation Portal

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The Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation Hub supports ETS specialists (employment transition services) in entering data and reporting about students’ use of services. These data are aggregated to meet federal reporting requirements and used by staff at the Kentucky Career Center. Data are stored in secure databases due to sensitive information.

Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal

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The Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal provides web-based access to information about the safety of drinking water in Missouri. Specifically, the portal provides information on drinking water sources, such as wells, rivers, lakes, and springs, and potential sources of contamination that put drinking water at risk.

Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal

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The Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal provides web-based access to information about the safety of drinking water in Missouri. Specifically, the portal provides information on drinking water sources, such as wells, rivers, lakes, and springs, and potential sources of contamination that put drinking water at risk.

Show-Me-Select Heifer

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The Show-Me-Select project provides a database and web interface to better track information on production and sales for producers involved in the Show-Me-Select Heifer program. The protected website allows for data entry, reporting, and temporal tracking of sales data. CARES manages the site to allow data entry and extraction by Extension staff for the use of producers, veterinarians, and specialists in Missouri.

Trinity Health

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The Trinity Health Data Hub supports a network of hospitals and their community benefit teams by providing easy access to core health outcomes and behaviors. The Hub hosts two reports – a custom Community Health Needs Assessment and a Vital Sign report. Data are available by hospital service area, aggregate areas, and system-wide.

University of Missouri Engagement Portal

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Community Connect collects and showcases engagement and youth development activities sponsored by the University of Missouri System. Engagements from across the four campuses are collected through standardized forms which are then easily posted as stories on the portal.