Surface Texture is based on the composition of sand, silt, and clay in the surface layer of soil based on the standard soil triangle definition.
Flooding Frequency (Dominant Condition)
Flooding Frequency, based on soil characteristics, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release. Note there is a change to the legend used to depict the data in this update.
Drainage Class (Dominant Condition)
Drainage Class, which classifies how quickly water is removed from the soil, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release.
Solid Waste Landfill Facilities
During emergency response and recovery events, significant amounts of debris must be removed from impacted areas in order to facilitate access to these locations, begin the restoration process, and start the reconstruction of damaged and/or destroyed buildings in the impact zones. This dataset was developed in an attempt to locate Solid Waste facilities, to which debris can be directed.
Percentage of Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch by School, 2017-2018
This layer displays information about free and reduced price lunch eligibility among public school students. This point-level data is acquired from the 2017-2018 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD) Public School Universe Survey dataset.
Percentage of Students Eligible for Free or Reduced Price Lunch by School, 2018-2019
This layer displays information about free and reduced price lunch eligibility among public school students. This point-level data is acquired from the 2018-2019 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD) Public School Universe Survey dataset.
SSURGO Soil Boundaries
The Soil Boundaries have been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release.
Hydrologic Soil Group (Dominant Condition)
Hydrologic Soil Group, which estimates potential runoff from precipitation based on soils characteristics, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release.
Farmland Class
Farmland Class, which shows prime and important farmland, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release.
Slope Gradient (Weighted Average)
Slope Gradient, depicting the steepness of the landscape by soil type, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release.