Adventist Health PAIR Tool

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The Adventist Health Priority Area Indicator Ranking (PAIR) tool is designed to help the Adeventist Health Community Benefit Team create, enhance, and activate community health needs assessments and interventions. The PAIR tool helps hospitals prioritize the individual characteristics that need the most attention and the high-level health category that needs addressed the most at the community level.

CATE logo

Coalition Against Trafficking & Exploitation

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CARES partnered with the Coalition Against Trafficking and Exploitation (CATE) to develop an interactive and dynamic resource map. The resource map is embedded on the CATE website and updated annually with new information.

Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation Portal

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The Vocational Rehabilitation Hub facilitates the recordkeeping of Pre-Employment Transition services provided by trained educational specialists throughout the state of Missouri. Services fall into one of the following categories: Job Exploration, Work-based Learning, Post-secondary Counseling, Workplace Readiness and Self Advocacy. Using the Hub, Specialists record service(s) provided to individual students on a daily basis. Services are aggregated and sent to the state Vocational Rehabilitation office every month to support their federal reporting mandate.

Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation Portal

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The Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation Hub supports ETS specialists (employment transition services) in entering data and reporting about students’ use of services. These data are aggregated to meet federal reporting requirements and used by staff at the Kentucky Career Center. Data are stored in secure databases due to sensitive information.

Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal

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The Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal provides web-based access to information about the safety of drinking water in Missouri. Specifically, the portal provides information on drinking water sources, such as wells, rivers, lakes, and springs, and potential sources of contamination that put drinking water at risk.

Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal

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The Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal provides web-based access to information about the safety of drinking water in Missouri. Specifically, the portal provides information on drinking water sources, such as wells, rivers, lakes, and springs, and potential sources of contamination that put drinking water at risk.

Washington State Community Action Partnership

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The Washington State Community Action Partnership Data Hub is designed to assist local Community Action Agency staff in the development of Community Needs Assessments (CNAs). The WSCAP Data Hub provides access to core secondary indicators for assessing and addressing poverty. The Hub also provides Washington CAA’s with access to county-level COVID-19 data.

United Way of Greater St. Louis Regional Needs Report

| 0 is an interactive Community Needs Assessment sponsored by the United Way of Greater St. Louis. The CNA spans 16 counties across two states (Illinois and Missouri). The CNA serves the St. Louis community as a foundation to better understand what challenges people in the region are facing. The report also highlights the most common needs across the Greater St. Louis region.