The Feedstuff Finder enables feedstuff buyers and sellers to make connections. Sellers of co-products and forages can share prices, products, information, and locations. Buyers can identify feedstuff sources by location, product type, or price and see their locations on a map. CARES developed the site, map, and cost calculator tool for the Feedstuff Finder team.
UNH Extension Wellness Wheel
The Wellness Wheel assessment was developed by University of New Hampshire Extension and web-enabled by CARES. The Wellness Wheel assesses an individual’s perception of overall wellness and aims to improve overall quality of life and healthy habits through personal decision-making. Additional information about the Wellness Wheel is available at:
CARES provides data, visualizations, and web hosting services to Supported by the Well-Being in the Nation (WIN) Network, provides data on the Well-being of People, Well-being of Places, and Equity. Leading indicators are searchable at the national, state, county, and city level (where available) and encompass a core set of equity-focused social determinants.
North Carolina Data Portal
The North Carolina Data Portal provides data, maps, and tools to support community health assessments and other public health activities in North Carolina. The Hub includes data from both national secondary sources and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Data are available at state, county, and health department region levels.
CARES launched SparkMap in 2019. SparkMap hosts a robust Community Needs Assessment tool, data upload tools, ZIP code level reports, and more. SparkMap is a great subscription service for healthcare consultants, grant writers, community benefit managers, and others working on community needs assessments.
Trust for Public Land
CARES provides data analysis and programming support for the ParkScore and ParkServe projects created by the Trust for Public Land. ParkServe is the country’s most comprehensive parks database for over 15,000 urban cities and towns across the country. The ParkScore® index is the national gold-standard comparison of park systems across the 100 most populous cities in the United States.
CARES provides the Michigan Public Health Institute and the Michigan Bureau of Community Action and Economic Opportunity with access to data, maps, and reporting tools through a series of mapping and reporting widgets. These data and tools support public health and community action agencies across the state by providing access to reliable needs assessment data.
Local Health Department Communicable Disease Dashboards
CARES hosts and updates a series of local public health dashboards that provide citizens and the media with easy access to data on reportable diseases. Data are shown for more than 15 diseases in the county with benchmarks for previous years. CARES hosts dashboards for Andrew, Butler, Carter, Cass, Cooper, and Harrison counties in Missouri.
The Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ), through, provides access to IRS 990 data for nonprofit hospitals in the United States. CARES maintains and updates the database with IRS 990 data when available.
All Things Nebraska
All Things Nebraska serves as Nebraska’s central data and mapping resource for policy-makers, business owners, farmers, and community organizations working to resolve issues related to: agriculture, economic development, health, well-being, and safety. All Things Nebraska provides access to national, state, and local (Nebraska-sourced) data all in one platform. It hosts the Nebraska Map Room and tools to support University of Nebraska Extension programs and services.