CARES provided data to a healthcare strategy team at Guidehouse for analysis and use in a needs assessment.
Adventist Health PAIR Tool
The Adventist Health Priority Area Indicator Ranking (PAIR) tool is designed to help the Adeventist Health Community Benefit Team create, enhance, and activate community health needs assessments and interventions. The PAIR tool helps hospitals prioritize the individual characteristics that need the most attention and the high-level health category that needs addressed the most at the community level.
Missouri Health Improvement Data Hub
Public Health Assessment Engine (PHATE)
The Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) provides an investigative tool for physicians, hospitals, and clinics to visualize neighborhood characteristics and patient health risk factors in their service area (by Census Tract). The tool integrates data from the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) Prime Registry database, but registers users can also upload information to visualize service area characteristics.
Public Health Assessment Engine (PHATE)
The Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) provides an investigative tool for physicians, hospitals, and clinics to visualize neighborhood characteristics and patient health risk factors in their service area (by Census Tract). The tool integrates data from the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) Prime Registry database, but registers users can also upload information to visualize service area characteristics.
Trinity Health
The Trinity Health Data Hub supports a network of hospitals and their community benefit teams by providing easy access to core health outcomes and behaviors. The Hub hosts two reports – a custom Community Health Needs Assessment and a Vital Sign report. Data are available by hospital service area, aggregate areas, and system-wide.
PHATE Global Viewer
ADD INFO ABOUT GLOBAL VIEWER – The Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) provides an investigative tool for physicians, hospitals, and clinics to visualize neighborhood characteristics and patient health risk factors in their service area (by Census Tract). The tool integrates data from the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) Prime Registry database, but registers users can also upload information to visualize service area characteristics.
The AdventHealth Hub was established in 2016 and used by the AdventHealth Community Benefit Team through 2021. The Hub was designed to serve the 44 faith-based AdventHealth hospitals across 10 states. AdventHealth used their cutsom Community Health Needs Assessment as a mechanism to better serve their communities, protect their not-for-profit status, and visibly convey their mission and faith-based values.
Adventist Health Well-Being Dashboard
The Adventist Health Hub, first launched in 2017 and relaunched in 2020, provides the system with: a comprehensive community health needs assessment (CHNA); custom calculations for hospital service areas; a curated list of well-being aligned indicators, and a system-level dashboard.
Adventist Health Well-Being Dashboard
The Adventist Health Hub, first launched in 2017 and relaunched in 2020, provides hospitals in the Adventist Health system with: 1) a comprehensive community health needs assessment (CHNA); 2) custom calculations for hospital service areas; 3) a curated list of well-being aligned indicators; and 4) a system-level dashboard. The Hub is actively used by the Adventist Health Community Benefit team.