Food Desert Census Tracts, Change 2015-2019

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This layer displays the change in census tracts labeled as Food Deserts from 2015 to 2019. The Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) Working Group considers a food desert as a low-income census tract where a substantial number or share of residents has low access to a supermarket or large grocery store.

Low Food Access Population, 2019

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This layer displays the percentage and total population with Limited Food Access across the US. A population is defined as having limited food access if they are living more than 1 mile from a supermarket or large grocery store if in an urban area, or more than 10 miles from a supermarket or large grocery store if in a rural area.

Food Desert Census Tracts, 2019

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This layer displays the location of Food Deserts across the United States based on conditions in 2015. The Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) Working Group considers a food desert as a low-income census tract where a substantial number or share of residents has low access to a supermarket or large grocery store.

Fruit and Vegetable Expenditures

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This layer displays census-tract level information about fruit and vegetables expenditures (as a percentage of total food-at-home expenditures). This layer has been updated to use the 2014 Consumer Buying Power data from Nielsen SiteReports.

Summer Food Service Program Sites, January 2016

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This layer displays the location of Summer Food Service Program sites. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded, state-administered program. The SFSP reimburses providers who serve healthy meals to children and teens in low-income areas at no charge primarily during the summer months when school is not in session.