EJ Screen Lead Paint Exposure

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The lead paint indicator is the percentage of occupied housing units built before 1960, calculated from
the U.S. Census Bureau’s ACS 5-year summary estimates on age of housing stock. EJScreen uses age of
housing stock as a surrogate for potential lead exposure as regulations banning lead-based residential
paint in 1978 led to the reduction and finally an end to the use of such paint in housing. The percentage
of older housing units is a proxy for potential exposure to lead paint and lead-containing dust that
accumulates indoors, in homes, or in other buildings where lead paint was used. EJScreen uses housing
units built before 1960.

EJ Screen Superfund Proximity

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The Superfund proximity indicator is reflective of the total count of sites proposed and listed (final) on
the National Priorities List (NPL) in each block group within 5 km of the average resident in a block
group, divided by distance, calculated as the population-weighted average of blocks in each block group.

EJ Screen RMP Facility Proximity

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The RMP facility proximity is reflective of the total count of RMP facilities in each block group within 5
km of the average resident in a block group, divided by distance, calculated as the population-weighted
average of blocks in each block group

EJ Screen Hazardous Waste Proximity

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The hazardous waste proximity indicator is reflective of the total count of hazardous waste facilities in
each block group within 5 km of the average resident in a block group, divided by distance, calculated as
the population-weighted average of blocks in each block group. Hazardous waste facilities are defined as
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) handlers that are either operating TSDFs from RCRA or
reporting LQGs from the 2019 BR.

EJ Screen Underground Storage Tanks

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The UST indicator quantifies the relative risk of being affected by a LUST for a block group. The indicator
is derived by the weighted sum of active LUSTs and sum of active and temporarily out of service USTs
within a certain distance from a block group.

Air Toxics – Cancer Risk by Census Tract

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Layer displays the modelled cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. Figures represents the liklihood of hazardous exposure per 1 million population.

Air Toxics – Non-Cancer Risk by Census Tract

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Layer displays the modelled non-cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. A hazard index (HI) of 1 or lower means air toxics are unlikely to cause adverse noncancer health effects over a lifetime of exposure.

Brownfield Sites

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Layer displays the locations of brownfield sites based on the September 2013 version of the EPA Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) database.

EPA RSEI Score, 2019

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This layer displays RSEI score by county. A RSEI Score is a unitless value that accounts for the size of the chemical release, the fate and transport of the chemical through the environment, the size and location of the exposed population, and the chemical’s toxicity. RSEI scores are designed to be compared to each other. A RSEI Score 10 times higher than another RSEI Score suggests that the potential for risk is 10 times higher. Relatively small releases may lead to high RSEI Scores if the toxicity weight is particularly high or if the estimated exposed population is large. Conversely, large releases may lead to low RSEI Scores if the toxicity weight is low or if the estimated exposed population is small. A low RSEI Score indicates low potential concern from reported TRI releases, but other kinds of environmental risk may also be present, including pollution from mobile sources like cars and trucks, hazardous waste, and unreported releases from facilities.