Access to Primary Care Providers

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Layers display county-level information about the number and rate of physicians based on data from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 2015-16 Area Health Resource File (AHRF).

Locations of Primary Care Physicians

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This layer displays the locations of all primary care physicians who accept Medicare. Primary care physicians are those MDs or DOs specializing in family practice, general practice, pediatric medicine, or internal medicine. Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Physician and Other Supplier 2015 Public Use File (PUF), released in June 2017.

500 Cities Project Data by City and Census Tract, 2015

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Map data topics include preventative health, risk behaviors, and clinical care. Estimates from the 500 Cities Project are available at the state, city, and census tract level. Data representing year 2015 were released in December, 2017. For more map layers from this series, search the Map Room for the terms 500 Cities.

Locations of Primary Care Physicians

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This layer displays the locations of all primary care physicians with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Primary care physicians are those MDs or DOs specializing in family practice, general practice, pediatric medicine, or internal medicine. Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) March 2018 National Provider Identifier (NPI) downloadable file.

Primary Care Physician Access

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This layer displays the rate of physicians per 10,000 population and the total number of physicians at the census tract and county level. Other related layers include various specialities and the number of primary care providers within 5 miles of a census tract.

Locations of Primary Care Physicians

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This layer displays the locations of all primary care physicians with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Primary care physicians are those MDs or DOs specializing in family practice, general practice, pediatric medicine, or internal medicine. Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) August 2019 National Provider Identifier (NPI) downloadable file.

Locations of Primary Care Physicians

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This layer displays the locations of all dental health care health care professional providing primary care with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) February 2020 National Provider Identifier (NPI) downloadable file.

Annual Wellness Exam by County, 2017

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This layer displays the percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who received an annual wellness exam in the latest report year (2017).