This layer displays the predominant race/ethnicity for various geographic levels.
Highly represented non-white Race/Ethnicity Groups
This layer displays where non-white race and ethnicity groups are highly represented in the U.S.
Theil Index: Racial Diversity
Layer displays information about racial segregation using the Theil index. This index measures the “eveness” of all races across the county based on the racial composition of the population at the block group level.
Majority-Minority Schools
This layer displays the location of public schools where the majority (50% or more) of the student body is a minority race or ethnicity (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, or Multiple Race). This point-level data is acquired from the 2012-2013 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD).
Majority-Minority Schools
This layer displays the location of public schools where the majority (50% or more) of the student body is a minority race or ethnicity (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, or Multiple Race). This point-level data is acquired from the 2013-2014 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD).
Majority-Minority Schools
This layer displays the location of public schools where the majority (50% or more) of the student body is a minority race or ethnicity (American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, or Multiple Race). This point-level data is acquired from the 2014-2015 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Common Core of Data (CCD).
New Data! New map of dominant spoken language by census tract!
Layer displays information about languages spoken at home at the neighborhood (census tract) level. Each area on the map is shaded to reflect the dominant spoken language, or the language spoken by the majority of people in the area. Toggle between map layers to display the dominant language excluding English, and the dominant language excluding English and excluding Spanish. Census tracts in which there is no population, or in which less than 100 individuals or one percent of the population speak the dominant language are excluded from categorization.