Childcare Prices by County, 2021

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This layer displays information about childcare costs in counties across the United States, including the median price and the price as a percentage of household income. Data are from the National Database of Childcare Prices (NDCP). Search for additional data in this series to view data by child age and setting.

Chilcare Cost Burden

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This layer displays childcare costs for a household with two children as a percent of median household income.

Chilcare Centers

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This layer displays the number of childcare centers per 1,000 population under 5 years old.

Child Day Care Organizations, 2018

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This layer displays locations of child day care organizations. Address-level data are acquired from the July 2018 IRS Exempt Organization Business Master File Extract (EO BMF); day care service organizations are selected as a subset of exempt organizations based on three-digit activity code or three-digit National Taxonomy of Exempt Organization (NTEE) code.

Childcare Facilities

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This feature class/shapefile contains locations of child day care centers for the 50 states of the USA, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico.The dataset only includes center based child day care locations (including those located at schools and religious institutes) and does not include group, home, and family based child day cares. All the data was acquired from respective states departments or their open source websites and only contains data provided by these sources.