This layer displays the percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries with diabetes. The prevalence of chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries is based on Medicare insurance claims (for specific inpatient diagnosis or procedure codes) in 2018.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Among Medicare Beneficiaries by County, 2018
This layer displays the percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries with hypertension (high blood pressure). The prevalence of chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries is based on Medicare insurance claims (for specific inpatient diagnosis or procedure codes) in 2018.
Fire Stations
This dataset contains point features representing building locations of fire stations in the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The purpose of this collection is to represent the fire station locations on general purpose cartographic products. The data includes manned fire stations and buildings from which a fire response occurs, such as a volunteer fire department building to which fire fighters report for duty, but which is not continuously manned. The data includes both private and governmental entities. In some cases, where fire stations are known to exist but could not be located on a specific building, such as on a military base, airport or manufacturing location, a point was placed at the entrance or the general center of the facility or complex. Some fire locations are approximate, most prevalently in rural areas. Fire training facilities are not included unless these locations also have an active fire station. Locations solely for storing or maintaining fire equipment, or fire stations without a permanent location, were generally excluded. The 2020 data update does not include NAICS descriptions that were included in the 2019 release.
Local Law Enforcement
The local law enforcement locations feature class/ shapefile contains point location and tabular information pertaining to a wide range of law enforcement entities in the United States. Law Enforcement agencies “are publicly funded and employ at least one full-time or part-time sworn officer with general arrest powers”. This is the definition used by the US Department of Justice – Bureau of Justice Statistics (DOJ-BJS) for their Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (CSLLEA). Unlike the previous version of this dataset, federal level law enforcement agencies are excluded from this effort.
Cropland Data Layer, 2020
This layer displays the Cropland Data Layer (CDL) developed by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The CDL is a raster, geo-referenced, crop-specific land cover data layer created annually for the continental United States using moderate resolution satellite imagery and extensive agricultural ground truth. The CDL has a ground resolution of 30 meters, and is validated using data from the USDA Farm Services Agency and United States Geological Survey. Historical CDL products are available for use and free for download through CropScape (
Childcare Facilities, 2020
This feature class/shapefile contains locations of child day care centers for the 50 states of the USA, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico.The dataset only includes center based child day care locations (including those located at schools and religious institutes) and does not include group, home, and family based child day cares. All the data was acquired from respective states departments or their open source websites and only contains data provided by these sources.
Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes Involving Alcohol, 2014-2018
This layer displays the number and percentage of fatal vehicle crashes involving alcohol occurring between 2015 and 2019. Data are aggregated by county of occurrance.
Hydrography – Rivers & Streams
Hydrography depicts surface water, including rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, canals, coastlines, and many other water features. The Hydrography layer combines two data sets: the 2021 National Map Hydrographic Geodatabase (1:1,000,000 scale) for small to medium scales, and the 2016 National Hydrography Datataset (NHD) (1:24,000 scale) for large scale mapping. Hydrography is depicted in two layers. Rivers & Streams depicts linear hydrography, including rivers, streams, canals, pipes, and artificial paths (line networks through larger water bodies). Waterbodies includes area hydrography, including larger rivers, lakes, ponds, seas, bays, estuaries, etc.
Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes by County, 2014-2018
This layer displays the number and rate of fatalities from motor vehicle crashes ccurring between 2015 and 2019, aggregated by county. Unlike typical mortality data, this data layer represents the location of the fatal crash, and not the county of the decedent’s residence.
FEMA Flood Hazard Zones
The Flood Hazard Zones are extracted from the National Flood Hazard Layer, which is a database that contains FEMA’s flood hazard map data. The database contains flood hazard information and supporting data used to develop the information. The primary flood hazard classification is indicated in the Flood Hazard Zones layer.
Flood zones are geographic areas that FEMA has defined according to varying levels of flood risk and type of flooding. For complete information about different flood zone designations, please visit the Definitions of FEMA Flood Zones web page.
Flood Hazard Zone Descriptions:
Floodway: The stream channel and that portion of the adjacent floodplain which must remain open to permit passage of the base flood.
1% Annual Chance Flood Zone: The 100-year or base floodplain.
0.2% Annual Chance Flood Zone: Area of moderate flood hazard, usually the area between the limits of the 100-year and 500-year floodplains, but also shallow flooding areas (< 1 foot) or flood zones for small drainage areas (< 1 square mile).
Area with Reduced Risk Due to Levee: Areas protected by levees from the 100-year flood.
1% Annual Chance Future Considerations: The 100-year floodplain based on anticipated future land-use conditions.
Area of Undetermined Hazard: Area of undetermined but possible flood hazard, typically occurring in counties with partial flood studies.
This information was acquired by state-level release February, 2020. Data release dates by state range from December 07, 2016 (Vermont) to February 12, 2020 (Utah).