Locations of Addiction/Substance Abuse Providers

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This layer displays the locations of all addiction or substance abuse providers with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Addiction or substance abuse providers include MDs, DOs, and other credentialed professionals specializing substance abuse treatment, rehabilitation, addiction medicine, or providing methadone. Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) February 2020 National Provider Identifier (NPI) downloadable file.

Locations of Primary Care Physicians

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This layer displays the locations of all dental health care health care professional providing primary care with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Data are from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) February 2020 National Provider Identifier (NPI) downloadable file.

Fast Food Restaurant Rates by County and ZIP Code Tabulation Area, 2017

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This layer displays rates and counts of fast food and limited-service eating establishments in counties across the United States. Establishment counts are acquired from the 2017 County Business Patterns, released by the US Census Bureau in November and December, 2019. Rates are calculated per 100,000 population based on figures from the 2010 Decennial Census. For more map layers from this series, search the Map Room for the terms County Business Patterns or CBP .

Uninsured Population by County

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Layer displays information about the insurance status of the population age 0-64. The data are from the 2018 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, released by the US Census Bureau on April 09, 2020.

COVID-19 Cases

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This layer displays information about confirmed cases for the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in US counties. Case counts are updated daily from a feature service provided by Johns Hopkins University. Rates are calculated by CARES using 2018 population totals.

COVID-19 Deaths

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This layer displays information about deaths attributed to the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in US counties. Case counts are updated daily from a feature service provided by Johns Hopkins University. Rates are calculated by CARES using 2018 population totals.

National Survey of Children’s Health

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The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) provides rich data on multiple, intersecting aspects of children’s lives—including physical and mental health, access to quality health care, and the child’s family, neighborhood, school, and social context.

Drought Severity, 2019

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This layer displays the percentage of weeks in Any Drought based on analysis of US Drought Monitor weekly drought data files for the year 2019.

Drought Severity, 2017-2019

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This layer displays the percentage of weeks in Any Drought based on analysis of US Drought Monitor weekly drought data files for years 2017-2019.

FCC Broadband Access

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This layer displays Broadband access information at the County, Tract, and Block Group Level as of June, 2019.