This layer displays impaired waterbodies, which means waterbodies not able to be used for certain purposes due to water quality from physical, chemical and biological factors.
Cesarean Delivery
This layer displays the estimated percentage of live births by cesarean delivery. A cesarean delivery is the extraction of the fetus, placenta, and membranes through an incision in the maternal abdominal and uterine walls. For more information visit Maternal and Infant Health Mapping Tool .
A local empirical Bayes algorithm was used to provide more stable estimates, particularly for counties with small numbers that would otherwise be unreliable or suppressed to ensure confidentiality. The degree of smoothing is inversely proportional to the number of events. Thus, counties with larger numbers of births will have less smoothing and little to no difference between actual or raw data available on CDC WONDER and smoothed estimates, while counties with smaller numbers of births will borrow strength from neighboring counties to improve the stability of estimates. Estimates are suppressed if there were fewer than 10 events in the county and its adjacent neighbors. For more information: Marshall RJ. Mapping disease and mortality rates using Empirical Bayes estimators. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1991; 40:283-94.
New Data! Visit the Map Room to access data for seven new map layers from the CDC’s BRFSS Places!
New data include prevalence estimates for adult with any disability including vision, hearing, self-care, mobility, cognitive, and independent living. Estimates from the PLACES Project are available at the county, city, ZIP Code, and census tract levels for nearly every community in the United States. For more map layers from this series, search the Map Room for the terms BRFSS PLACES.
Heat Index – Average Days Above 95th Percentile
This updated dataset reports the total number of days in which an extreme heat event was above the 95th percentile between 2020-2022 at the county and Census tract levels. Data were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (EPHTN).
Maximum Temperature – Average Days Above 95 Degrees
This updated dataset reports the total number of days in which an extreme heat event was above 95 degrees between 2020-2022 at the county and Census Tract levels. Data were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (EPHTN).
Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes by County, 2018-2022
This layer displays the number and rate of fatalities from motor vehicle crashes occurring between 2018 and 2022, aggregated by county. Unlike typical mortality data, this data layer represents the location of the fatal crash, and not the county of the decedent’s residence.
Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes Involving Alcohol, 2018-2022
This layer displays the number and percentage of fatal vehicle crashes involving alcohol occurring between 2018 and 2022. Data are aggregated by county of occurrance.
Weeks In Drought
This layer displays the percentage of weeks in any severity of drought for the years 2021-2023.
Head Start Facilities
This layer displays locations of Head Start facilites in the United States. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) identifies head start facilities as either a center, an early childhood center, a seasonal / migrant center, or any combination of these designations.
Food Insecure Population
This layer displays the percent of population experiencing food insecurity in 2022.