A screenshot of the ParkServe map of the United States showing parks across the country.

Trust for Public Land

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CARES provides data analysis and programming support for the ParkScore and ParkServe projects created by the Trust for Public Land. ParkServe is the country’s most comprehensive parks database for over 15,000 urban cities and towns across the country. The ParkScore® index is the national gold-standard comparison of park systems across the 100 most populous cities in the United States.

Colorado Insights

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CARES, in partnership with Colorado State University, engaged in a series of listening and design sessions with stakeholders from across CSU Extension to learn more about their data needs and potential solutions. CARES summarized and synthesized findings from the sessions and delivered recommendations and a roadmap to CSU OEE for review and planning.

Police Stop Disparities Report

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This report examines racial disparity in Columbia (MO) Police Department traffic stops across age, sex, varying levels of geography, reasons for initiating post-stop searches, post-search outcomes, and factors that predict the likelihood that a stopped driver is Black. Disparity, discrimination, and racial bias in policing have been historically, and continue to be, an important policy issue.

Time’s Up Measure Up

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Time’s Up Measure Up is an multi-organization initiative from the Time’s Up foundation to combine quantitative and quantitative data to expose economic and other hardships facing women as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. CARES performed data consultation to identify quantitative datasets to represent the TUMU conceptual framework. CARES then acquired data for 15+ metrics, relying on knowledge of existing secondary sources as well as custom survey data analysis.