Public Health & Safety Dashboard
Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal
The Missouri Source Water Assessment Portal provides web-based access to information about the safety of drinking water in Missouri. Specifically, the portal provides information on drinking water sources, such as wells, rivers, lakes, and springs, and potential sources of contamination that put drinking water at risk.
TIME’S UP Foundation Phase 1
Missouri Health Improvement Data Hub
Public Health Assessment Engine (PHATE)
The Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) provides an investigative tool for physicians, hospitals, and clinics to visualize neighborhood characteristics and patient health risk factors in their service area (by Census Tract). The tool integrates data from the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) Prime Registry database, but registers users can also upload information to visualize service area characteristics.
Show-Me-Select Heifer
The Show-Me-Select project provides a database and web interface to better track information on production and sales for producers involved in the Show-Me-Select Heifer program. The protected website allows for data entry, reporting, and temporal tracking of sales data. CARES manages the site to allow data entry and extraction by Extension staff for the use of producers, veterinarians, and specialists in Missouri.
University of Missouri Engagement Portal
Community Connect collects and showcases engagement and youth development activities sponsored by the University of Missouri System. Engagements from across the four campuses are collected through standardized forms which are then easily posted as stories on the portal.