Nutrient Management Planner serves as an MU Extension site consolidator for nutrient management. Farmers, researchers, and technicians can learn to use this information to maximize cost efficiency by using manure as a fertilizer and comply with state and federal requirements, such as those pertaining to nitrogen runoff.
Grazing Wedge
The Grazing Wedge tool is designed to provide farmers with best practices for forage management, including strategies for forage optimization by measureing forage growth and rotation. The Grazing Wedge tool allows users to draw farm and paddock layouts, enter data, and visualize forage status.
All Things Missouri
All Things Missouri was launched in 2018 and quickly became Missouri’s central data and mapping resource for policy-makers, business owners, farmers, and community organizations working to resolve issues related to: agriculture and environment; business and community; health and safety; and youth and family. All Things Missouri provides access to national, state, and local (Missouri-sourced) data all in one platform. It hosts the Missouri Map Room and tools to support University of MIssouri Extension programs and services.