A picture of the Feedstuff Finder homepage with green bales of hay.

FeedStuff Finder

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The Feedstuff Finder enables feedstuff buyers and sellers to make connections. Sellers of co-products and forages can share prices, products, information, and locations. Buyers can identify feedstuff sources by location, product type, or price and see their locations on a map. CARES developed the site, map, and cost calculator tool for the Feedstuff Finder team.

Show-Me-Select Heifer

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The Show-Me-Select project provides a database and web interface to better track information on production and sales for producers involved in the Show-Me-Select Heifer program. The protected website allows for data entry, reporting, and temporal tracking of sales data. CARES manages the site to allow data entry and extraction by Extension staff for the use of producers, veterinarians, and specialists in Missouri.

Missouri Ag Intel

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The Missouri Ag Intel portal promotes the growth of alternative crops among farmers in the state. This University of Missouri project has created a website to provide tools such as maps to visualize available nearby markets and farms as well as information on how to improve management skills (labor, sales, marketing, etc.) and learn about crop growing requirements (weather, soil type, etc.).


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NMTracker (Nutrient Management Tracker) is suite of online tools that support tactical nutrient management planning for farmers and ranchers. NMTracker supports mapping and data entry for nutrient management planning and integrates with the Purdue University Manure Management Planner (MMP). CARES has hosted NMTracker since 2011.


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AgSite provides targeted information about property and farms across the state of Missouri. The AgSite report include data related to weather conditions, soil health, and native and threatened species. AgSite is designed to support risk assessments, land purchases, and guide investments.

Missouri Food Assessment

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The Missouri EATs Assessment Tool provides critical food and social determinants of health data to communities in Missouri. These data are used to begin conversations and take actions aimed at strengthening community food systems. CARES began hosting the Missouri EATs Assessment Tool in 2018.

Show Me Food

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ShowMeFood.org facilitates the sharing of information for and about farmers and local food providers in the state of Missouri. Food-related businesses in Missouri can register and be placed on the map. Businesses can promote specific products, purchasing options, days of operation, and accepted payment types as part of their profile. ShowMeFood.org was launched in response to the effects that COVID-19 caused to state, local, and national food supply chains and distribution systems, and updated with a new design in September 2022.