Homicide Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated homicide mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 but fewer than 10 deaths in the report period.

Drug Overdose Death by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated overdose mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 but fewer than 10 deaths in the report period.

Suicide Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated suicide mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 but fewer than 10 deaths in the report period.

Firearm Mortality by County and Census Tract, 2023-24

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This layer displays timeley information on the estimated firearm-related mortality rate for counties and census tracts using provisional and final death data. Some census tracts are grouped to protect data privacy. Rates are modelled for areas with greater than 0 but fewer than 10 deaths in the report period.

Violent Crimes per 100,000 Population

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This layer displays violent crime rates and totals across the United States. Crime totals and rates are multi-year estimates for the three year period 2012-2014.

FBI Crime Statistics

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These layers display various violent crime and property crime rates and totals in counties across the United States. Violent crime includes murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault while property crimes include burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Crime totals and rates are multi-year estimates for the three year period 2015-2017. County-level UCR files are based on agency records in a file obtained from the FBI that also provides aggregated county totals. NACJD inputs missing data and then aggregates the data to the county-level.