This layer displays the total number of providers that provide broadband level services. Only records with copper, cable, fiber, or licensed fixed wireless are counted.
FCC Fabric – Providers of Broadband Level Service December, 2023
This layer displays the total number of providers that provide broadband level services. Only records with copper, cable, fiber, or licensed fixed wireless are counted.
FCC Fabric – Providers of Broadband Level Service June, 2023
This layer displays the total number of providers that provide broadband level services. Only records with copper, cable, fiber, or licensed fixed wireless are counted.
FCC Fabric – Providers of Broadband Level Service Dec, 2022
This layer displays the total number of providers that provide broadband level services. Only records with copper, cable, fiber, or licensed fixed wireless are counted.
FCC Fabric – Providers of Broadband Level Service June, 2022
This layer displays the total number of providers that provide broadband level services. Only records with copper, cable, fiber, or licensed fixed wireless are counted.
FCC Broadband Access
This layer displays Broadband access information at the County, Tract, and Block Group Level as of June, 2021.
FCC Broadband Access
This layer displays Broadband access information at the County, Tract, and Block Group Level as of December, 2020.
Total Resident, Confirmed COVID 19 Cases per 1,000 Residents, Nursing Home Provider
The Nursing Home COVID-19 Public File includes data reported by nursing homes to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) COVID-19 Module: Surveillance Reporting Pathways and COVID-19 Vaccinations.
FCC Broadband Access
This layer displays Broadband access information at the County, Tract, and Block Group Level as of June, 2020.
Average Number of High-Speed Internet Providers
This layer displays the average number of high-speed internet providers as of June 2017. Data are available by county, census tract, and census block group. Values are population-weighted; caculations do not include internet access based solely on cellular internet providers.