Cancer Mortality for 2015-19 by County

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This layer displays cancer mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2015-19 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.

Suicide Mortality for 2015-19 by County

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This layer displays suicide mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2015-19 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.

Diabetes Mortality for 2015-19 by County

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This layer displays diabetes mortality rates from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2015-19 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.

Life Expectancy

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Layers display county-level information about the average life expectancy of males and females in the United States.

Selected Mortality Rates for 2010-14 by County

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Layer displays mortality data from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2010-14 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.

Mortality Risk and Change in Mortality Risk by County, 1985-2014

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This layer displays mortality risk (percentage) and change in mortality risk by county for the population aged 45-65. Other layers from this dataset display life expectancy at birth and mortality risk for the population under age 5 and for 20-year age groups at the county level for each state, the District of Columbia, and the United States, as well as the changes in life expectancy and mortality risk for each location between 1985 and 2014.

Selected Mortality Rates for 2011-15 by County

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This layer displays coronary heart disease mortality figures from the CDC’s National Vital Statistics System – Mortality database. Data are 5-year aggregates for 2011-15 and grouped by ICD-10 codes.