Gross Employment Density

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Layers display information about total employment density (jobs per acre) at the census block group level. For additional map layers displaying employment density by industry, browse the Map Room data and navigate to Economic>Labor Market>Employment>Jobs by Industry.

Employment Accessibility

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This layer displays information about employment accessibility by estimating the number of jobs within 45 minutes (drive time) from each census block group.

Opportunity Data – Labor Market Index

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The labor-market engagement index provides a summary description of the relative intensity of labor market engagement and human capital in a neighborhood. This is based upon the level of employment, labor force participation, and educational attainment in a census tract.

Missouri Labor Supply and Demand

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These layers display the gap in the percent of advertised jobs posted for an industry and the percent of jobseekers applying for positions in that industry. This analysis takes job seeker information from people who registered
with in 2016, and compares it to employer job ads during the same time period. The analysis was done by the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC), CARES digitized the regions used in the report and used the data tables to create the map layers. The original MERIC report can be found at

Missouri Area Career Centers

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This layer displays the location of Area Career Centers (ACCs) in Missouri. Area Career Centers provide Career and Technical Training for students from participating high schools and community colleges. Courses often include Culinary and Hospitality Management, Building Trades, Electrical Technologies, Early Education, and others, but vary from center to center. Contact your local ACC for more information on what courses are offered.