USPS Residential Vacancies

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This layer displays residential vacancy rates and total residential vacancies in census tracts across the United States. Vacancy rates are reported quarterly.

Residential Vacancies – 2023 Q4

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This layer displays residential vacancy rates and total residential vacancies in census tracts across the United States. Vacancy rates are reported quarterly.

Assisted Housing Resident Characteristics, HUD

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This layer displays information about public housing unit residents who are disabled, single parents, or elderly. Data are available in percentage and total number. Additional measures are available which show public housing and housing choice vouchers, and can also displayed by county or by unit.

Occupied Housing Units

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This layer displays information from the US 2020 Decennial Census, which provides occupied housing units for all geographic areas. An occupied Housing is when a person or group of persons is living in it at the time of the interview or if the occupants are only temporarily absent, as for example, on vacation. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis the website here.

Vacant Housing Units

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This layer displays information from the US 2020 Decennial Census, which provides vacant housing units for all geographic areas. A vacant Housing Unit is when no one is living in it at the time of the interview, unless its occupants are only temporarily absent. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis the website here.

Residential Vacancies – 2020 Q4

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This layer displays residential vacancy rates and total residential vacancies in census tracts across the United States. Vacancy rates are reported quarterly.