Heart Disease Hospitalizations by County, 2016-18

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for coronary heart disease. Data are reported at the county level for the 2016-18 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke.

Heart Attack Hospitalizations by County, 2016-18

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This layer displays the rate hospitalization for patients with an initial hospital admission for heart attack. Data are reported at the county level for the 2016-18 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke.

Rural Hospital Closures

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This layer displays the location of hospitals that no longer provide in-patient care in rural settings since 2005. Hospitals may have closed completely or converted to provide some other healthcare services.

Primary Care Physician Access

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This layer displays the rate of physicians per 10,000 population and the total number of physicians at the census tract and county level. Other related layers include various specialities and the number of primary care providers within 5 miles of a census tract.

Providers of Service

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This layer displays the point locations of all providers of service (POS) in the U.S. The POS database contains the addresses and characteristics of all health care providers, including hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, rural health clinics, and more.

30-Day Readmissions for Heart Failure by Hospital 2015-18

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This layer displays the rate of 30-day hospital readmissions for patients with an initial hospital admission for heart failure. Data are reported at the hospital level for the July 2015 – June 2018 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare dataset.

30-Day Readmissions for Pneumonia by Hospital, 2015-18

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This layer displays the rate of 30-day hospital readmissions for patients with an initial hospital admission for pneumonia. Data are reported at the hospital level for the July 2015 – June 2018 three-year period. Data are obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare dataset.