This layer displays the total acres of agricultural land (crop, forest, pasture, or other) owned or invested in by foreign owners as of December 31st, 2023.
Dominant Language Spoken at Home
This layer displays the predominant language spoken at home (excluding English) for towns and counties in the United States. Data are from the 2018-22 American Community Survey.
Net Migration of Young Adults by County, 2010 to 2010
This layer displays the net migration rate for young adults (age 20 – 39) in United States counties between 2010 and 2020. Net migration is the balance of immigration and emigration over a given time period. Net migration does not include natural change, or change due to births and deaths. It is important to understand the migration patterns of young adults as their geographic patterns will impact the economy and shape the future workforce.
Net Migration by County, 2010 to 2020
This layer displays the net migration rate for United States counties between 2010 and 2020. Net migration is the balance of immigration and emigration over a given time period. Net migration does not include natural change, or change due to births and deaths.
Agricultural Crop Land with Full or Partial Foreign Investment
This layer displays the total acres of agricultural crop land owned or invested in by foreign owners.
Agricultural Forest Land with Full or Partial Foreign Investment
This layer displays the total acres of agricultural forest land owned or invested in by foreign owners.
Agricultural Pasture Land with Full or Partial Foreign Investment
This layer displays the total acres of agricultural pasture land owned or invested in by foreign owners.
Agricultural Land with Full or Partial Foreign Investment
This layer displays the total acres of agricultural land (crop, forest, pasture, or other) owned or invested in by foreign owners.
New Data! New map of dominant spoken language by census tract!
Layer displays information about languages spoken at home at the neighborhood (census tract) level. Each area on the map is shaded to reflect the dominant spoken language, or the language spoken by the majority of people in the area. Toggle between map layers to display the dominant language excluding English, and the dominant language excluding English and excluding Spanish. Census tracts in which there is no population, or in which less than 100 individuals or one percent of the population speak the dominant language are excluded from categorization.
Net Migration by County, 2000 to 2010
This layer displays the net migration rate for United States counties between 2000 and 2010. Net migration is the balance of immigration and emigration over a given time period. Net migration does not include natural change, or change due to births and deaths.