This layer displays information about estimated household expenditures for alcohol purchased for consumption at home and away from home. Data are presented as a national or within-state rank, and represent expenditures as a percentage of total household expenditures.
Smoking Products and Supplies, Expenditures by County and Tract, 2020
This layer displays information about estimated household expenditures for tobacco products and supplies (cigarettes, other tobacco products, and marijuana and smoking accessories). Data are presented as a national or within-state rank, and represent expenditures as a percentage of total household expenditures.
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Expenditures by County and Tract, 2020
This layer displays information about estimated household expenditures for sugar-sweetened beverages (cola, sports drinks, and fruit-flavored drinks). Data are presented as a national or within-state rank, and represent expenditures as a percentage of total food-at-home expenditures.
Fruit and Vegetable Expenditures
This layer displays census-tract level information about fruit and vegetables expenditures (as a percentage of total food-at-home expenditures). This layer has been updated to use the 2014 Consumer Buying Power data from Nielsen SiteReports.