This layer displays the ratio of women’s median earnings to men’s median earnings for all full-time, year-round workers, presented as “cents on the dollar.”
Socioeconomic Status Vulnerability
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), or CDC/ATSDR SVI, is a database that helps emergency response planners and public health officials identify, map, and plan support for communities that will most likely need support before, during, and after a public health emergency.
CDC/ATSDR and the HHS Office of Minority Health developed the Minority Health Social Vulnerability Index (Minority Health SVI) to enhance existing resources to support the identification of racial and ethnic minority communities at the greatest risk for disproportionate impact and adverse outcomes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Minority Health SVI is an extension of the CDC/ATSDR SVI that includes additional variables for race, ethnicity, language, medical vulnerability, and health care infrastructure. The Minority Health SVI is grouped into six themes: Socioeconomic Status, Household Composition and Disability, Minority Status and Language, Housing Type and Transportation, Health Care Infrastructure, and Medical Vulnerability. Each theme has a percentile ranking represented as a value between 0 (least vulnerable) and 1 (most vulnerable). An Overall Percentile Ranking combines these themes. For more information visit the Social Vulnerability Index website .
Labor Force Changes
Layer displays information about the changes in numbers of people counted as being a part of the labor force as defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Data is shown for labor force changes between 1, 3, 5, and 10 year intervals from both the current month and the annual 2012 numbers. For more data layers from this series, search the Map Room for the term labor force.
Opportunity Data – Labor Market Index
The labor-market engagement index provides a summary description of the relative intensity of labor market engagement and human capital in a neighborhood. This is based upon the level of employment, labor force participation, and educational attainment in a census tract.
Labor Force Participation Rate by County, 2011-15
Layer displays the labor force participation rate based on data from the 2011-15 American Community Survey. The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the population that is in the labor force. This metric is different from employment rates, which report the percentage of the labor force that is employed. A person who is in the labor force is either actively employed or actively seeking work. Those who are not in the labor force include persons who are going to school or who are retired, persons with family responsibilities keeping them from employment, and discouraged workers.
American Communities Project
The 15 community types identified in the American Communities Project (ACP) were derived from a standard clustering method of analysis, conducted by political scientist Iris Hui, PhD, where a set of 36 different indicators – everything from population density to military service members – were sorted using an algorithm that identified like places.
The majority of the data used to define the types in the ACP came from the U.S. Census American Community Survey, 2008-2012. Data on religious adherence and faith came from the Religious Congregations and Membership Study, 2010.