Child Day Care Organizations, 2018

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This layer displays locations of child day care organizations. Address-level data are acquired from the July 2018 IRS Exempt Organization Business Master File Extract (EO BMF); day care service organizations are selected as a subset of exempt organizations based on three-digit activity code or three-digit National Taxonomy of Exempt Organization (NTEE) code.

Teen Birth Rates by County, 2010 and 2015

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This dataset contains estimated teen birth rates for age group 15–19 (expressed per 1,000 females aged 15–19) by county and year. Hierarchical Bayesian space-time models were used to generate hierarchical Bayes estimates of county teen birth rates for each year. Data are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).


Estimated teen birth rate: Model-based estimates of teen birth rates for age group 15–19 (expressed per 1,000 females aged 15–19) for a specific county and year. These annual county-level teen birth estimates “borrow strength” across counties and years to generate accurate estimates where data are sparse due to small population size. The inferential method uses information—including the estimated teen birth rates from neighboring counties across years and the associated explanatory variables—to provide a stable estimate of the county teen birth rate.


Data on the number of live births for women aged 15–19 years were extracted from the National Center for Health Statistics’ (NCHS) National Vital Statistics System birth data files for years 2003–2020.

Population estimates were extracted from the files containing intercensal and postcensal bridged-race population estimates provided by NCHS. For each year, the July population estimates were used, with the exception of the year of the decennial census, 2010, for which the April estimates were used.

For more information, please visit the CDC NCHS Teen Birth Rates by County web page.

National Survey of Children’s Health

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The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) provides rich data on multiple, intersecting aspects of children’s lives—including physical and mental health, access to quality health care, and the child’s family, neighborhood, school, and social context.

Juvenile Court Referrals

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Data are collected from the Missouri Department of Social Services Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline Unit (CANHU). CANHU accepts confidential reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Missouri’s toll-free number for reporting child abuse/neglect is 1-800-392- 3738. Mandated reporters can also report online at The CANHU is operated year-round on a 24 hours per day, seven days per week basis. During FY 2019, it was staffed by 50 full-time and 11 part-time trained and experienced Children’s Service Workers. A call to the hotline is referred to as a “report” or “reported incident” of child abuse/neglect. A report may involve from one to several children. Over the course of the fiscal year, the hotline had received over 64,000 reported incidents that involved over 89,000 children in Missouri. When a call is received at the CANHU, information is analyzed to determine whether: • the child is under age 18; • the alleged perpetrator has care, custody and control of the child; • the report meets the legal definition of abuse and/or neglect as stipulated in 210.110, RSMo For more information visit the </a Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Report

Substantiated Cases of Child Abuse or Neglect

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Data are collected from the Missouri Department of Social Services Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline Unit (CANHU). CANHU accepts confidential reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Missouri’s toll-free number for reporting child abuse/neglect is 1-800-392- 3738. Mandated reporters can also report online at The CANHU is operated year-round on a 24 hours per day, seven days per week basis. During FY 2019, it was staffed by 50 full-time and 11 part-time trained and experienced Children’s Service Workers. A call to the hotline is referred to as a “report” or “reported incident” of child abuse/neglect. A report may involve from one to several children. Over the course of the fiscal year, the hotline had received over 64,000 reported incidents that involved over 89,000 children in Missouri. When a call is received at the CANHU, information is analyzed to determine whether: • the child is under age 18; • the alleged perpetrator has care, custody and control of the child; • the report meets the legal definition of abuse and/or neglect as stipulated in 210.110, RSMo For more information visit the </a Child Abuse and Neglect Annual Report