Air Toxics – Non-Cancer Risk by Census Tract

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Layer displays the modelled non-cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. A hazard index (HI) of 1 or lower means air toxics are unlikely to cause adverse noncancer health effects over a lifetime of exposure.

Air Facility System Sites

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This layer displays the locations of regulated facilities that discharge air pollutants in the United States. The Air Facility System (AFS) contains compliance and permit data for stationary sources of air pollution (such as electric power plants, steel mills, factories, and universities) regulated by EPA, state and local air pollution agencies. The information in AFS is used by the states to prepare State Implementation Plans (SIPs) and to track the compliance status of point sources with various regulatory programs under Clean Air Act. For more information, please visit the EPA Air Facility System web page.

Air Quality System Sites

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This layer displays the locations of air quality monitoring stations in the United States. The Air Quality System (AQS) contains ambient air pollution data collected by EPA, state, Local, and tribal air pollution control agencies from thousands of monitoring stations. AQS also contains meteorological data, descriptive information about each monitoring station (including its geographic location and its operator), and data quality assurance/quality control information. For more information, please visit the EPA Air Quality System web page.

Air Quality – Ozone Levels (O3) by Census Tract, 2015

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This layer displays the daily average concentration of ozone and the percentage of days with concetrations of ozone above the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) of 0.075 parts per million in 2015.