Environments Supporting Healthy Eating (ESHE)

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The ESHE Index was developed in partnership with the Council on Black Health in 2015. The index ranked counties across the United States on factors related to healthy eating. The goal of ESHE Index was to stimulate changes in food and food policy landscapes that can facilitate high dietary quality. The ESHE index was discontinued in 2021.

American Heart Association

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The data, resources, and tools in American Heart Association Hub, Impact Central, are designed to assist communities in assessing, prioritizing, and selecting areas of focus to improve community health.


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NMTracker (Nutrient Management Tracker) is suite of online tools that support tactical nutrient management planning for farmers and ranchers. NMTracker supports mapping and data entry for nutrient management planning and integrates with the Purdue University Manure Management Planner (MMP). CARES has hosted NMTracker since 2011.


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AgSite provides targeted information about property and farms across the state of Missouri. The AgSite report include data related to weather conditions, soil health, and native and threatened species. AgSite is designed to support risk assessments, land purchases, and guide investments.

American Heart Association Impact Central

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The data, resources, and tools in American Heart Association Hub, Impact Central, are designed to assist communities in assessing, prioritizing, and selecting areas of focus to improve community health. CARES has supported Impact Central since 2013.