Time’s Up Measure Up is an multi-organization initiative from the Time’s Up foundation to combine quantitative and quantitative data to expose economic and other hardships facing women as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. CARES performed data consultation to identify quantitative datasets to represent the TUMU conceptual framework. CARES then acquired data for 15+ metrics, relying on knowledge of existing secondary sources as well as custom survey data analysis.
Public Health Assessment Engine (PHATE)
The Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) provides an investigative tool for physicians, hospitals, and clinics to visualize neighborhood characteristics and patient health risk factors in their service area (by Census Tract). The tool integrates data from the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) Prime Registry database, but registers users can also upload information to visualize service area characteristics.
Public Health Assessment Engine (PHATE)
The Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) provides an investigative tool for physicians, hospitals, and clinics to visualize neighborhood characteristics and patient health risk factors in their service area (by Census Tract). The tool integrates data from the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) Prime Registry database, but registers users can also upload information to visualize service area characteristics.
Salud America Report Card
The Salud America! Health Equity Report Card, powered by CARES, provides information on how your county is doing on a variety of health-related conditions compared to the rest of your state and nation. The data show how your area stacks up in housing, transportation, poverty, healthcare, mental health, environmental issues, and access to healthy food and active spaces.
Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA)
Partnership for a Healthier America previously hosted both a Hub and a Widget on the CARES Network. PHA is focused on encouraging healthier eating and lifestyles for children and young adults by improving local food environments. The ImPHAct Map, previously available on the PHA website, collects and displays information on corner stores and campuses who have committed to be PHA partners.
PHATE Global Viewer
ADD INFO ABOUT GLOBAL VIEWER – The Population Health Assessment Engine (PHATE) provides an investigative tool for physicians, hospitals, and clinics to visualize neighborhood characteristics and patient health risk factors in their service area (by Census Tract). The tool integrates data from the American Board of Family Medicine’s (ABFM) Prime Registry database, but registers users can also upload information to visualize service area characteristics.
Well Connected Communities
The Well Connected Communties portal served as a resource for more than 39 communtities across 17 states who were working towards meeting healthy living goals. Managed by CARES, the Well Connected Communities Hub provided grantees access to a robust Community Health Needs Assessment tool, County Health Rankings reports, quarterly reporting forms, resources from the field, and archived professional development events.
National Community Action Partnership
The National Community Action Partnership Hub provides Community Action Agencies around the country with access to reliable, standardized data for their Community Needs Assessment and reporting requirements. Hosting a custom CNA, full Map Room, and a specialized Housing Report, the National CAP Hub is a trusted resource for assessing and addressing issues related to poverty.
SNAPEd National Report
The SNAPEd National report provides data related to SNAP eligibility, SNAP participation, income and poverty levels, and other social determinants of health data.
Nutrient Management Planner
Nutrient Management Planner serves as an MU Extension site consolidator for nutrient management. Farmers, researchers, and technicians can learn to use this information to maximize cost efficiency by using manure as a fertilizer and comply with state and federal requirements, such as those pertaining to nitrogen runoff.