Custom Assessments
Pulling from our sizeable warehouse of civic, health, and economic indicators, CARES custom assessments offer quick access to easy-to-read, dynamically updated, data visualizations. Custom assessments are available as part of our Hubs or as a widget.

Community Health Needs Assessment
Looking for the best Community Health Needs Assessment available on the web? Check out the CARES CHNA tool on SparkMap.

SparkMap Community Needs Assessments
Built for individuals and small organizations, SparkMap offers four subcription levels that provide access to the community needs assessent – free, intro, pro, and premium. The free assessment includes 80 indicators while the premium assessment offers more than 250 indicators.

Agricultural and Environmental Assessments
CARES roots lie in developing tools and analyses for agriculture and environmental projects. From water quality to crop suitability, we have the tools to help.

Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA)
Since 2011, CARES has been a leader in providing data, developing visualizations, and customizing community health needs assessments. See how CARES supports community benefit teams with easy-to-use CHNA’s.

Topic-Driven Assessments
CARES supports custom needs assessments for organizations, issue-areas, and advocacy groups across the United States. From opioids and food security to housing and economics, we build targeted reports that grow and change as your mission does.

We understand that a full needs assessment may be too much for certain projects, that’s why we also offer quick, customizable, infographics to meet your project needs.

CARES Customizable Footprints
Blending the art of assessment and GIS, CARES custom footprints explore the intersections between indicators to better target populations of interest.